The Match Campaign has ended with a huge success!
The San Diego United Lions Club Level Contest takes place on Saturday, the 18th of February at 1 PM. The deadline to register is the 1st of February.
Celebrate the Year of the Snake with the San Diego United Lions Club at the Jasmine Seafood Restaurant on the 2nd of February.
District 4-L6 Lions, friends and SD Food Bank CEO Jim Floros give a thumbs up to our partnership to combat food insecurity in San Diego.
SD United Lions Club (SDULC) has been awarded a $1000 California Lions Foundation Feed the Hungry Grant.
PPE delivered to Samahan Health Clinic in National City, Victoria Post Acute Care and Arbor Hills Nursing Center
SDULC Lions/Leos collected and donated toys to the Escondido Salvation Army and Interfaith Community Services
SDULC donates 462 lbs of peanut butter to SD Foodbank